Micah 1-2 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  • Read Micah 1-2 (Micah 1:1-2:13).
  • What are your first impressions about this passage?
    1. How is the style of writing in this passage different than the style in the book of John?
    2. How would you describe the overall mood?
  • What do we learn about this book from verse 1?
  • Do you notice any repeated words or ideas in these chapters?
  • What is significant about these two places mentioned, Jerusalem & Samaria?


What does it mean?

  • What do these verses teach us about God and what He is like?
  • What were the sins that brought God's judgement?
    1. What makes covetousness or idolatry so evil in God's eyes?
    2. Read Ephesians 5:5 and James 4:1-2. How do these verses help you to see the danger of covetousness?
  • How were God's judgments against Samaria righteous and just?
    1. Read 2 Kings 17:1-8 to see what happens to Samaria under King Ahaz.
  • How do you think that the original audience heard these prophecies?
    1. How would you have responded?
    2. What effect did it have on Micah (Micah 1:8)?
  • How does the text change in the final verses (Micah 2:12-13)?
    1. What hope is there for God's people?


How should it change us?

  • Perhaps you think that if you were rebuked by God then you would listen, but is this true?
    1. How do you normally respond to correction from others?
    2. Do you ever try to justify your sin or blame others for it?
    3. What can you do to grow to be more humble and teachable when corrected?
  • Just like the people in Micah's day, we can seek to find teachers and counselors that tell us only what we want to hear.
    1. How can we guard ourselves against this?
    2. How can we help each other in guarding against this?
  • Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  • Sing Holy, Holy, Holy to God and to one another.

Micah 1-2 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  • Read Micah 1-2 (Micah 1:1-2:13).
  • What are your first impressions about this passage?
    1. How is the style of writing in this passage different than the style in the book of John?
    2. How would you describe the overall mood?
  • What do we learn about this book from verse 1?
  • Do you notice any repeated words or ideas in these chapters?
  • What is significant about these two places mentioned, Jerusalem & Samaria?


What does it mean?

  • What do these verses teach us about God and what He is like?
  • What were the sins that brought God's judgement?
    1. What makes covetousness or idolatry so evil in God's eyes?
    2. Read Ephesians 5:5 and James 4:1-2. How do these verses help you to see the danger of covetousness?
  • How were God's judgments against Samaria righteous and just?
    1. Read 2 Kings 17:1-8 to see what happens to Samaria under King Ahaz.
  • How do you think that the original audience heard these prophecies?
    1. How would you have responded?
    2. What effect did it have on Micah (Micah 1:8)?
  • How does the text change in the final verses (Micah 2:12-13)?
    1. What hope is there for God's people?


How should it change us?

  • Perhaps you think that if you were rebuked by God then you would listen, but is this true?
    1. How do you normally respond to correction from others?
    2. Do you ever try to justify your sin or blame others for it?
    3. What can you do to grow to be more humble and teachable when corrected?
  • Just like the people in Micah's day, we can seek to find teachers and counselors that tell us only what we want to hear.
    1. How can we guard ourselves against this?
    2. How can we help each other in guarding against this?
  • Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  • Sing Holy, Holy, Holy to God and to one another.