Trinity: The Son – 5th November 2021


What does it say?

  1. What passages would you go to in the Bible to consider the Son? (Discuss your own texts first and then click here for some important key texts on God the Son) 
    1. What do these texts tell you about the Son's identity?
    2. What do these texts tell you about the Son's character?
    3. What do these texts tell you about the Son's works?
    4. How does the Son relate to God?
  2. What questions do you have about the Son?
  3. How does Christology (what we know about the Son) connect with the Gospel?
    1. What does "only-begotten", "begotten from the Father before all time," and, "begotten, not made" mean?
    2. What does "Light, from Light, true God from true God" and "of the same essence as the Father" mean?
    3. Why is it important to our salvation that God the Son became man (was incarnate)?
    4. Why is it important to our salvation to affirm that the Son is fully God and fully Man?
  4. Where is the Son now? What is he doing? What is he going to do?


How should it change us?

  1. Why is it important understand these deep and sometimes difficult doctrines?
  2. What difference does it make to our hope?
  3. What happens if we get this wrong?
  4. Take it in turns with another member to explain the doctrine of the Son (answer the question: who is Jesus Christ?), ask each other for feedback.

Trinity: The Son – 5th November 2021


What does it say?

  1. What passages would you go to in the Bible to consider the Son? (Discuss your own texts first and then click here for some important key texts on God the Son) 
    1. What do these texts tell you about the Son's identity?
    2. What do these texts tell you about the Son's character?
    3. What do these texts tell you about the Son's works?
    4. How does the Son relate to God?
  2. What questions do you have about the Son?
  3. How does Christology (what we know about the Son) connect with the Gospel?
    1. What does "only-begotten", "begotten from the Father before all time," and, "begotten, not made" mean?
    2. What does "Light, from Light, true God from true God" and "of the same essence as the Father" mean?
    3. Why is it important to our salvation that God the Son became man (was incarnate)?
    4. Why is it important to our salvation to affirm that the Son is fully God and fully Man?
  4. Where is the Son now? What is he doing? What is he going to do?


How should it change us?

  1. Why is it important understand these deep and sometimes difficult doctrines?
  2. What difference does it make to our hope?
  3. What happens if we get this wrong?
  4. Take it in turns with another member to explain the doctrine of the Son (answer the question: who is Jesus Christ?), ask each other for feedback.