Acts 28:1-31 – 15th October 2021


What does it say?

  1. Read Acts 28
  2. What characters are mentioned? Any new ones?
  3. How do people treat Paul throughout this chapter?
  4. What are repeated words/phrases?
  5. What chapter in Isaiah is quoted? (It may help to read more of that chapter for context)
  6. What questions do you have after reading through the chapter?


What does it mean?

  1. What is the conclusion of the native people on Malta about Paul? (v4,6)
    1. What did the natives believe about their god to think that Paul would be punished for wrongdoing?
    2. Has Paul been worshiped like a god before in Acts?
    3. Do you think that Paul helped them to understand the true God, even though there is no written record of it here?
  2. "Brothers" are mentioned in vv14-15, and then Paul addresses "Brothers" in vers 17.
    1. Do you think these are the same groups of brothers or different?
    2. Why would Paul consider these different groups "brothers"?
  3. Why does Paul say he is imprisoned in verse 20?
    1. How is this different than other purpose statements Paul has given in Acts? (e.g. 23:6)
    2. What is the "hope of Israel"?
  4. Why does Paul continue to use Moses and the Prophets to convince people about Jesus?
    1. What Old Testament books would be included in "Moses and the Prophets"?
    2. Read Jesus' words from Luke 24:25-2744-49.
    3. Who does Jesus say that the law of Moses, the prophets, and the Psalms are written about?
    4. Why do you think that some Jews were convinced and some Jews were not (v.24)?


How should it change us?

  1. Paul aimed to convince his listeners about Jesus in verse 23.
    1. When is a recent time that you have aimed to convince someone about Jesus? What was their response?
    2. Mack Stiles defines evangelism as "teaching the gospel with the aim to persuade." What can you do to grow in your ability to persuade others about Jesus?
  2. Why do you think that not everyone is convinced by Paul in verse 24?
    1. Does it encourage you or discourage you in evangelism knowing that not everyone will believe what you say?
    2. What does it look like to trust God with the results of your words?
    3. What is a current "hindrance" to you in teaching about Jesus with boldness? How can you grow in that?

Acts 28:1-31 – 15th October 2021


What does it say?

  1. Read Acts 28
  2. What characters are mentioned? Any new ones?
  3. How do people treat Paul throughout this chapter?
  4. What are repeated words/phrases?
  5. What chapter in Isaiah is quoted? (It may help to read more of that chapter for context)
  6. What questions do you have after reading through the chapter?


What does it mean?

  1. What is the conclusion of the native people on Malta about Paul? (v4,6)
    1. What did the natives believe about their god to think that Paul would be punished for wrongdoing?
    2. Has Paul been worshiped like a god before in Acts?
    3. Do you think that Paul helped them to understand the true God, even though there is no written record of it here?
  2. "Brothers" are mentioned in vv14-15, and then Paul addresses "Brothers" in vers 17.
    1. Do you think these are the same groups of brothers or different?
    2. Why would Paul consider these different groups "brothers"?
  3. Why does Paul say he is imprisoned in verse 20?
    1. How is this different than other purpose statements Paul has given in Acts? (e.g. 23:6)
    2. What is the "hope of Israel"?
  4. Why does Paul continue to use Moses and the Prophets to convince people about Jesus?
    1. What Old Testament books would be included in "Moses and the Prophets"?
    2. Read Jesus' words from Luke 24:25-2744-49.
    3. Who does Jesus say that the law of Moses, the prophets, and the Psalms are written about?
    4. Why do you think that some Jews were convinced and some Jews were not (v.24)?


How should it change us?

  1. Paul aimed to convince his listeners about Jesus in verse 23.
    1. When is a recent time that you have aimed to convince someone about Jesus? What was their response?
    2. Mack Stiles defines evangelism as "teaching the gospel with the aim to persuade." What can you do to grow in your ability to persuade others about Jesus?
  2. Why do you think that not everyone is convinced by Paul in verse 24?
    1. Does it encourage you or discourage you in evangelism knowing that not everyone will believe what you say?
    2. What does it look like to trust God with the results of your words?
    3. What is a current "hindrance" to you in teaching about Jesus with boldness? How can you grow in that?