About Us
Covenant Hope exists...
to honor and glorify God by obeying Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).
A Note from our Senior Pastor
Dear Friends of CovHope,
On behalf of the congregation of the Covenant Hope Church, welcome to our website. We’re glad to share with you some information about us and hope that you find it helpful.
The Bible teaches that the church exists for the glory of God. We believe that God made us to be in a relationship with Him that begins by turning from sin and putting faith in Jesus of Nazareth as our Lord and Savior. We want to glorify God by growing as his disciples and helping to make new disciples by sharing the good news of his gospel with everyone.
We are an evangelical community of believers in a Muslim country with many different nationalities and people of different faiths. We consider it an amazing providence of God that he’s brought us here and we’re all confident that it’s mainly so we can bear witness to him and the eternal life that’s found in him. If you’re a Christian and you live here too then we believe it’s God’s primary purpose for you as well.
If you’re not a Christian, you’re always welcome in our services. We believe that a church community is the best place to explore what Christians believe and who Jesus Christ is.
As a part of our mission, we would love to be of help to you. For that matter, we would love for you to be of help to us, as we serve God with a Christ-centered focus. Whether it is Covenant Hope Church, or some place else here in Dubai, we pray that God would show you where to commit yourself to His people in His service.
In Christ,
Brian Parks
Our Mission
Teaching believers through the Bible how to love God and love their neighbors as themselves (Col. 1:28; Matt. 22:37-40)
Sending those believers back out into the world to share with others the story of how Jesus saved them (Rom. 10:13-15; Acts 1:8)
Why are we called Covenant Hope?
A covenant is a committed relationship based on promises made and promises kept. Every true Christian’s hope in this life and the next comes by being in a covenant relationship with God according to his promises.
We enter that covenant by rejecting all our sin and rebellion against God and by trusting in Jesus his Son. He offers forgiveness for our sin through his life, sacrificial death on the cross and his resurrection. Only Jesus gives us life with God that lasts forever.
He is our covenant hope.
Isaiah 42:6 “I am the LORD… I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations…”