Leadership & Staff
Our church is overseen by a plurality of elders. An elder is recognized by our congregation as a man who meets the biblical qualifications (1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9) and leads by teaching, praying, and overseeing the affairs of the church. The final authority in our church resides with the congregation (Matthew 18:15-20). Contact the elders at: [email protected]
Keshav Dewangan
Lay Elder
Mark Donald
Elder / Associate Pastor
Nisin Mathew
Lay Elder
Josué Romualdo
Lay Elder
Shanyl Philip
Lay Elder
Brian Parks
Elder / Senior Pastor
Our church is served by a deacons. A deacon is recognized by our congregation as a man or woman who meets the biblical qualifications (1 Tim. 3:8-13) and serves the church through caring for the physical or temporal concerns of the church.
Contact our staff at: [email protected]
Brian Parks
Elder / Senior Pastor
Mark Donald
Elder / Associate Pastor
Sanjana Dewangan
Administrative Assistant
Karson Merkel
Pastoral Assistant