Letter to the Saints

Here is where we’ll post the “Letter to the Saints”. These weekly letters are written by elders and staff and are meant to encourage and edify the believers of Covenant Hope Church.

Biographical Blessings: Spurgeon’s Successor

In God’s providence (not by design!) I happen to be reading the biography of Archibald G. Brown, Spurgeon’s Successor (Banner of Truth), which will, Lord willing, complement some of Michael’s reflections from C.H.…

Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands

“God’s plan is that through the faithful ministry of every part, the whole body will grow to full maturity in Christ. The leaders of his church have been gifted, positioned,…

Gospel Power for Life

Imagine with me that you’re seated in a plane as it speeds down the runway. You look out the window and see buildings going by faster and faster. And then,…

Does Church Membership Matter?

Different Types of Membership I’m a member of the Abraham family. My dad’s from India, my mom’s from the Philippines, and my sisters and I all were born and raised…

Gospel Culture

Gospel culture (how we live together) is as important as gospel doctrine (what we believe). To be truly gospel-centered we need both; gospel doctrine and gospel culture. That’s at the…