Mark 12:38-44 – January 4, 2019
What does it say?
Read Mark 12:38-44
- Where is Jesus teaching in this passage?
- Who does Jesus warn the people about in v. 38-40?
- What does he claim they do?
- What will happen to them?
- How much did the rich people give at the treasury? (v. 41)
- How much did the poor widow give?
- When Jesus teaches the disciples what does he say the difference is between the two?
How should it change us?
- How does the life of Jesus differ from the life of the scribes?
- How can you cultivate humility and guard against pride?
- What does the widow's offering tell us about what Jesus values verse what the world values?
- How does the gospel free us to sacrificially give?
Print Bible Study
Mark 12:38-44 – January 4, 2019
What does it say?
Read Mark 12:38-44
- Where is Jesus teaching in this passage?
- Who does Jesus warn the people about in v. 38-40?
- What does he claim they do?
- What will happen to them?
- How much did the rich people give at the treasury? (v. 41)
- How much did the poor widow give?
- When Jesus teaches the disciples what does he say the difference is between the two?
How should it change us?
- How does the life of Jesus differ from the life of the scribes?
- How can you cultivate humility and guard against pride?
- What does the widow's offering tell us about what Jesus values verse what the world values?
- How does the gospel free us to sacrificially give?