Psalm 13 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. What contrasting words are seen in this chapter?
  2. How many questions did David ask? What are they?
  3. What is David's concerns if the Lord does not answer him?
  4. What did David put his hope in in the end, and how will he respond?


What does it mean?

  1. How will you divide this chapter into sections? What titles would you put for each section?
  2.  Why does David think the Lord is slow to answer even though his hope is in his steadfast love?
  3. Who are David's enemies? (Especially in 1 Samuel)
  4. How is Christ the perfect example of the steadfast love of God?


How should it change us?

  1. What practical ways can we remind ourselves of Christ's steadfast love? How does that lead to our encouragement?
  2. Think of a problem that you are waiting to be solved as of now. Ask the Lord for help by praying like David in Psalm 13.

Psalm 13 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. What contrasting words are seen in this chapter?
  2. How many questions did David ask? What are they?
  3. What is David's concerns if the Lord does not answer him?
  4. What did David put his hope in in the end, and how will he respond?


What does it mean?

  1. How will you divide this chapter into sections? What titles would you put for each section?
  2.  Why does David think the Lord is slow to answer even though his hope is in his steadfast love?
  3. Who are David's enemies? (Especially in 1 Samuel)
  4. How is Christ the perfect example of the steadfast love of God?


How should it change us?

  1. What practical ways can we remind ourselves of Christ's steadfast love? How does that lead to our encouragement?
  2. Think of a problem that you are waiting to be solved as of now. Ask the Lord for help by praying like David in Psalm 13.