1 Corinthians 3 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. What is one thing that's stood out to you in 1 Corinthians so far?
  2. Read 1 Corinthians 3
  3. What repeated words to you notice?
  4. What illustrations or analogies does Paul use? [babies, farming, etc.]
  5. In verses 1-4, how does Paul describe the Corinthians?
  6. In verses 5-9, how does Paul describe God?
    1. How does Paul describe himself in these verses?
  7. What is one question that you'd like to have answered about this text?


What does it mean?

  1. What do you think it means to be an "infant in Christ"? (v.1)
    1. What kinds of things does Paul see in the church to make him say this?
    2. Do you see any of these things in the church today?
    3. What about your own life?
      1. Are there ways that you might act like a spiritual baby?
      2. Is there anybody that you disagree with in a sinful way?
  2. In 1 Cor 3:21, Paul says "Let no one boast in men..."
    1. How have v. 5-17 shown the foolishness of boasting in men?
    2. Who should Christians say they follow?
  3. What is a "church"?
    1. What do we learn in 1 Corinthians 3 about what a church is?
      1. [God grows it, it's built on the foundation of Christ, the gathered people are a temple of the holy spirit...]
    2. What was the Temple in the Old Testament? What was special about it?
      1. What's exciting about what Paul says in verse 16?
      2. Why is this a motivation to stay united in the church?


How should it change us?

  1. What's helping you grow as a mature Christian?
    1. What's hurting your growth?
    2. What could you change in order to grow in maturity this week?
  2. How has this chapter helped you understand what a church is?
    1. How can you use God's presence as a motivation to be part of the church?
  3. Pray in light of this passage and any applications you've made. [Perhaps for boldness to speak and share Gods word.]
  4. Sing O Praise the Name to God and to one another.
Some of the questions from this study were developed from David Jackman's book "Let's Study: 1 Corinthians".

1 Corinthians 3 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. What is one thing that's stood out to you in 1 Corinthians so far?
  2. Read 1 Corinthians 3
  3. What repeated words to you notice?
  4. What illustrations or analogies does Paul use? [babies, farming, etc.]
  5. In verses 1-4, how does Paul describe the Corinthians?
  6. In verses 5-9, how does Paul describe God?
    1. How does Paul describe himself in these verses?
  7. What is one question that you'd like to have answered about this text?


What does it mean?

  1. What do you think it means to be an "infant in Christ"? (v.1)
    1. What kinds of things does Paul see in the church to make him say this?
    2. Do you see any of these things in the church today?
    3. What about your own life?
      1. Are there ways that you might act like a spiritual baby?
      2. Is there anybody that you disagree with in a sinful way?
  2. In 1 Cor 3:21, Paul says "Let no one boast in men..."
    1. How have v. 5-17 shown the foolishness of boasting in men?
    2. Who should Christians say they follow?
  3. What is a "church"?
    1. What do we learn in 1 Corinthians 3 about what a church is?
      1. [God grows it, it's built on the foundation of Christ, the gathered people are a temple of the holy spirit...]
    2. What was the Temple in the Old Testament? What was special about it?
      1. What's exciting about what Paul says in verse 16?
      2. Why is this a motivation to stay united in the church?


How should it change us?

  1. What's helping you grow as a mature Christian?
    1. What's hurting your growth?
    2. What could you change in order to grow in maturity this week?
  2. How has this chapter helped you understand what a church is?
    1. How can you use God's presence as a motivation to be part of the church?
  3. Pray in light of this passage and any applications you've made. [Perhaps for boldness to speak and share Gods word.]
  4. Sing O Praise the Name to God and to one another.
Some of the questions from this study were developed from David Jackman's book "Let's Study: 1 Corinthians".