Habakkuk 1:1-11 – August 25th 2017
What does it say?
Read Habakkuk 1:1-11
- What is Habakkuk’s complaint?
- Is this a fair complaint? Why is the situation this way? Why is God’s law paralyzed?
- How does the Lord answer? How will he deal with the evil Habakkuk sees in Judah?
- Was this to be expected or was it surprising? Why/why not?
- Who are the Chaldeans and what are they like?
- How does God use them? (answer using v. 1-11, then look ahead to v. 12
How should it change us?
- Can you relate to Habakkuk’s concern?
- Does evil in the world make you doubt God’s presence, goodness, justice, love?
- What does this example teach us about 1) prayer and 2) God’s responses to prayer?
- Can God use evil people? How? (Answer: Yes, of course, otherwise he couldn’t use anyone!)
- What does this passage tell us about God’s love, patience, justice, judgment?
- In what ways does this passage foreshadow or point to Jesus?
Print Bible Study
Habakkuk 1:1-11 – August 25th 2017
What does it say?
Read Habakkuk 1:1-11
- What is Habakkuk’s complaint?
- Is this a fair complaint? Why is the situation this way? Why is God’s law paralyzed?
- How does the Lord answer? How will he deal with the evil Habakkuk sees in Judah?
- Was this to be expected or was it surprising? Why/why not?
- Who are the Chaldeans and what are they like?
- How does God use them? (answer using v. 1-11, then look ahead to v. 12
How should it change us?
- Can you relate to Habakkuk’s concern?
- Does evil in the world make you doubt God’s presence, goodness, justice, love?
- What does this example teach us about 1) prayer and 2) God’s responses to prayer?
- Can God use evil people? How? (Answer: Yes, of course, otherwise he couldn’t use anyone!)
- What does this passage tell us about God’s love, patience, justice, judgment?
- In what ways does this passage foreshadow or point to Jesus?