Habakkuk 1:1-11 – August 25th 2017


What does it say?


Read Habakkuk 1:1-11

  1. What is Habakkuk’s complaint?
  2. Is this a fair complaint? Why is the situation this way? Why is God’s law paralyzed?
  3. How does the Lord answer? How will he deal with the evil Habakkuk sees in Judah?
  4. Was this to be expected or was it surprising? Why/why not?
  5. Who are the Chaldeans and what are they like?
  6. How does God use them? (answer using v. 1-11, then look ahead to v. 12


How should it change us?

  1. Can you relate to Habakkuk’s concern?
  2. Does evil in the world make you doubt God’s presence, goodness, justice, love?
  3. What does this example teach us about 1) prayer and 2) God’s responses to prayer?
  4. Can God use evil people? How? (Answer: Yes, of course, otherwise he couldn’t use anyone!)
  5. What does this passage tell us about God’s love, patience, justice, judgment?
  6. In what ways does this passage foreshadow or point to Jesus?

Habakkuk 1:1-11 – August 25th 2017


What does it say?


Read Habakkuk 1:1-11

  1. What is Habakkuk’s complaint?
  2. Is this a fair complaint? Why is the situation this way? Why is God’s law paralyzed?
  3. How does the Lord answer? How will he deal with the evil Habakkuk sees in Judah?
  4. Was this to be expected or was it surprising? Why/why not?
  5. Who are the Chaldeans and what are they like?
  6. How does God use them? (answer using v. 1-11, then look ahead to v. 12


How should it change us?

  1. Can you relate to Habakkuk’s concern?
  2. Does evil in the world make you doubt God’s presence, goodness, justice, love?
  3. What does this example teach us about 1) prayer and 2) God’s responses to prayer?
  4. Can God use evil people? How? (Answer: Yes, of course, otherwise he couldn’t use anyone!)
  5. What does this passage tell us about God’s love, patience, justice, judgment?
  6. In what ways does this passage foreshadow or point to Jesus?