Mark Donald

James 3:1–12 – 12th December, 2020


What does it say?

  1. Read James 3:1–12
  2. Who is James addressing?
  3. What does he tell them?
  4. What illustrations does he use?


What does it mean?

  1. What reasons does James give for his warning?
    1. Why is this particularly pertinent for teachers (v.1)?
    2. What do the illustrations help us see about the tongue?
      1. How does the tongue "guide" our whole body/life?
    3. What does it mean that the tongue is
      1. "a world of unrighteousness" (v.6a)?
      2. "staining the whole body" (v.6b)?
      3. "setting on fire the entire course of life" (v.6c)?
      4. "set on fire by hell" (v.6d)?
      5. "a restless evil, full of deadly poison" (v.8)?
      6. What is James trying to emphasize?
  2. Why can no human being tame the tongue?
    1. What hope is there for us then?
  3. What do v.9–10 teach us about
    1. How we use our tongues
    2. What that reveals about us
  4. Consider v.11–12.
    1. What is the logic that these rhetorical questions and images teach us about words and the Christian life?
    2. How do these verses connect our behaviours with our identity?


How should it change us?

  1. Confess ways from the last week that you have used your tongue/words in sinful ways which are unbecoming of a Christian. (Perhaps even go to that person and ask for forgiveness)
  2. How does the gospel empower you to tame the untamable tongue? What might that actually look like as you seek to battle using your tongue for evil?
  3. How do you treat poor Christians?
    1. Why is this a sign of if you are a true Christian or not?

James 3:1–12 – 12th December, 2020


What does it say?

  1. Read James 3:1–12
  2. Who is James addressing?
  3. What does he tell them?
  4. What illustrations does he use?


What does it mean?

  1. What reasons does James give for his warning?
    1. Why is this particularly pertinent for teachers (v.1)?
    2. What do the illustrations help us see about the tongue?
      1. How does the tongue "guide" our whole body/life?
    3. What does it mean that the tongue is
      1. "a world of unrighteousness" (v.6a)?
      2. "staining the whole body" (v.6b)?
      3. "setting on fire the entire course of life" (v.6c)?
      4. "set on fire by hell" (v.6d)?
      5. "a restless evil, full of deadly poison" (v.8)?
      6. What is James trying to emphasize?
  2. Why can no human being tame the tongue?
    1. What hope is there for us then?
  3. What do v.9–10 teach us about
    1. How we use our tongues
    2. What that reveals about us
  4. Consider v.11–12.
    1. What is the logic that these rhetorical questions and images teach us about words and the Christian life?
    2. How do these verses connect our behaviours with our identity?


How should it change us?

  1. Confess ways from the last week that you have used your tongue/words in sinful ways which are unbecoming of a Christian. (Perhaps even go to that person and ask for forgiveness)
  2. How does the gospel empower you to tame the untamable tongue? What might that actually look like as you seek to battle using your tongue for evil?
  3. How do you treat poor Christians?
    1. Why is this a sign of if you are a true Christian or not?