Mark Donald

John 1:1–14 – December 20th, 2019


What does it say?

  1. Read John 1:1–14
  2. Who's mentioned?
    1. What does the author tell us about "the Word"?
      1. How is v. 2 different than v. 1?
    2. What does the author tell us about John?
      1. Why did John come?
  3. How was "the Word" received?
  4. How did "the Word" come into the world?


What does it mean?

  1. Summarize the passage in one sentence
  2. Who is the author? Is he the same John mentioned in v. 4–8?
  3. Read John 20:30–31.
    1. Why did John write his Gospel?
    2. How does that help us understand these opening verses?
  4. Why is Jesus referred to as "the Word"?
  5. What other passages are alluded to in John 1:1–14?
    1. Why do you think John did that?
    2. What does this tell us about the identity/purpose of "the Word"?
  6. Why did the world not receive "the Word"?
  7. What does it mean "the Word became flesh"?
    1. What does John mean by "flesh"?
    2. Why did "the Word" become flesh?
  8. How does one become a child of God? Who makes that happen?
    1. What does it mean to receive Jesus/believe in his name?
  9. Why does John tell us that Jesus has shown us God's glory?
  10. What does it mean he's full of grace and truth?


How should it change us?

  1. What truth about the Word do you need to remember or reflect on? (e.g. agent of creation/new creation, giver of life, etc.)
  2. How should we respond to Jesus?
  3. How have you received Jesus? (Share how/when you did)
  4. How should v.12–13 affect the way we pray and share our faith?
  5. Sing Joy to the World to God and to one another.

John 1:1–14 – December 20th, 2019


What does it say?

  1. Read John 1:1–14
  2. Who's mentioned?
    1. What does the author tell us about "the Word"?
      1. How is v. 2 different than v. 1?
    2. What does the author tell us about John?
      1. Why did John come?
  3. How was "the Word" received?
  4. How did "the Word" come into the world?


What does it mean?

  1. Summarize the passage in one sentence
  2. Who is the author? Is he the same John mentioned in v. 4–8?
  3. Read John 20:30–31.
    1. Why did John write his Gospel?
    2. How does that help us understand these opening verses?
  4. Why is Jesus referred to as "the Word"?
  5. What other passages are alluded to in John 1:1–14?
    1. Why do you think John did that?
    2. What does this tell us about the identity/purpose of "the Word"?
  6. Why did the world not receive "the Word"?
  7. What does it mean "the Word became flesh"?
    1. What does John mean by "flesh"?
    2. Why did "the Word" become flesh?
  8. How does one become a child of God? Who makes that happen?
    1. What does it mean to receive Jesus/believe in his name?
  9. Why does John tell us that Jesus has shown us God's glory?
  10. What does it mean he's full of grace and truth?


How should it change us?

  1. What truth about the Word do you need to remember or reflect on? (e.g. agent of creation/new creation, giver of life, etc.)
  2. How should we respond to Jesus?
  3. How have you received Jesus? (Share how/when you did)
  4. How should v.12–13 affect the way we pray and share our faith?
  5. Sing Joy to the World to God and to one another.