Michael Abraham

John 11:17–27 – 10 April, 2020


What does it say?

  1. Recap the story from John 11:1–16.
    1. Who had an illness?
    2. What does Jesus do about it?
  2. Read John 11:17–27.
  3. Who are the people in this passage?
  4. What are the places?
  5. How long was Lazarus in the tomb? (v. 17)
  6. Why did the Jews come to Martha and Mary? (v. 19)
  7. What did Martha tell Jesus in vv. 21–22 in your own words?
    1. What did Martha believe about Lazarus? (v. 24)
  8. What question does Jesus ask Martha? (vv. 25–26)


What does it mean?

  1. Summarize the passage in one sentence.
  2. Why did Jesus wait four days to visit? (v. 17)
  3. Why was Jesus on his way to Jerusalem? (v. 18)
  4. Why did Martha respond the way she did in vv. 21–22?
  5. What does it mean that Jesus is "the resurrection and the life?" (v. 25)


How should it change us?

  1. What do we learn about Jesus from this passage?
  2. How does the resurrection give us hope for today and tomorrow?
  3. What can we learn from Martha in this passage?
  4. How can you encourage a member struggling to hope and believe in Jesus during difficult times?

John 11:17–27 – 10 April, 2020


What does it say?

  1. Recap the story from John 11:1–16.
    1. Who had an illness?
    2. What does Jesus do about it?
  2. Read John 11:17–27.
  3. Who are the people in this passage?
  4. What are the places?
  5. How long was Lazarus in the tomb? (v. 17)
  6. Why did the Jews come to Martha and Mary? (v. 19)
  7. What did Martha tell Jesus in vv. 21–22 in your own words?
    1. What did Martha believe about Lazarus? (v. 24)
  8. What question does Jesus ask Martha? (vv. 25–26)


What does it mean?

  1. Summarize the passage in one sentence.
  2. Why did Jesus wait four days to visit? (v. 17)
  3. Why was Jesus on his way to Jerusalem? (v. 18)
  4. Why did Martha respond the way she did in vv. 21–22?
  5. What does it mean that Jesus is "the resurrection and the life?" (v. 25)


How should it change us?

  1. What do we learn about Jesus from this passage?
  2. How does the resurrection give us hope for today and tomorrow?
  3. What can we learn from Martha in this passage?
  4. How can you encourage a member struggling to hope and believe in Jesus during difficult times?