Jonah 1 | Bible Study Questions
What does it say?
- Read Jonah chapter 1.
- Do you notice any repeated words or ideas in these chapters?
- What does God ask Jonah to do in verse 1?
- Where does he go instead?
- Where do you see Jonah "go down" in this chapter? (e.g. Jonah "went down" to Joppa)
What does it mean?
- Read 2 Kings 14:23-27.
- Here Jonah speaks of God's underserved grace to his own nation of Israel. Compared to this earlier work, how do you think Jonah may have felt about God's command for him to go to Ninevah?
- Why do you think Jonah fled to Tarshish? Do you see anything in the text to support your reasoning?
- After God sends the storm, does Jonah change his attitude?
- What would it have looked like for Jonah to respond with faith?
- How do the mariners respond with faith? (verse 16)
- What would you say is the main conflict or problem in this chapter?
- Is it resolved? If yes, how so?
- Compare Jonah to Jesus in:
- their faithfulness to God's commands
- their compassion on undeserving people
- their willingness to die for others' sake
How should it change us?
- What does this chapter teach you about obedience?
- Is there something in your life that God has asked you to do in His Word and you haven't yet obeyed him?
- What is keeping you from obedience?
- Why might difficult commands or hard times work for your good? (think of a few reasons)
- How does the fact that Jesus suffered help you when you struggle in hard times or with sin?
- Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
- Sing O Great God to God and to one another.
Print Bible Study
Jonah 1 | Bible Study Questions
What does it say?
- Read Jonah chapter 1.
- Do you notice any repeated words or ideas in these chapters?
- What does God ask Jonah to do in verse 1?
- Where does he go instead?
- Where do you see Jonah "go down" in this chapter? (e.g. Jonah "went down" to Joppa)
What does it mean?
- Read 2 Kings 14:23-27.
- Here Jonah speaks of God's underserved grace to his own nation of Israel. Compared to this earlier work, how do you think Jonah may have felt about God's command for him to go to Ninevah?
- Why do you think Jonah fled to Tarshish? Do you see anything in the text to support your reasoning?
- After God sends the storm, does Jonah change his attitude?
- What would it have looked like for Jonah to respond with faith?
- How do the mariners respond with faith? (verse 16)
- What would you say is the main conflict or problem in this chapter?
- Is it resolved? If yes, how so?
- Compare Jonah to Jesus in:
- their faithfulness to God's commands
- their compassion on undeserving people
- their willingness to die for others' sake
How should it change us?
- What does this chapter teach you about obedience?
- Is there something in your life that God has asked you to do in His Word and you haven't yet obeyed him?
- What is keeping you from obedience?
- Why might difficult commands or hard times work for your good? (think of a few reasons)
- How does the fact that Jesus suffered help you when you struggle in hard times or with sin?
- Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
- Sing O Great God to God and to one another.