Luke 8:22-39 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read Luke 8:22-39
  2. What characters do you see?
  3. Do you see any major breaks or divisions in the story?
  4. What was the disciples' reaction to the storm?
    1. What was their reaction to Jesus calming the storm?
  5. How is the demon-possessed man described?
    1. How does he identify Jesus?
    2. What is the reaction of the herdsman & townspeople after Jesus heals this man?


What does it mean?

  1. What do the disciples learn about Jesus’ authority and power in these two situations?
    1. Do the two miracles display different things about Jesus or his authority?
    2. How could faith have changed the way the disciples reacted to the windstorm?
  2. The demons recognize that Jesus is the Son of God. How is recognizing what is true about Jesus different from having saving faith in Jesus?
  3. Why do you think the herdsmen and townspeople reacted the way they did? Why do you think they would want Jesus to depart?
    1. Contrast this with the reaction of the man who’s been freed from demons. What does he wish to do?
    2. Why do you think Jesus tells him not to follow him?


How should it change us?

  1. Are there situations where you’re tempted to fear and you wonder why Jesus isn’t doing anything?
    1. What would it look like to bring your fears and requests to God rather than to fear?
    2. What can you trust about God’s character when you fear your faith may fail?
      1. Read Luke 11:9-13. How does this passage help you trust God’s character with the things you ask for?
  2. How are you helpless apart from Christ? (like the demon-possessed man)
    1. What is a joy-filled story about Jesus and his work in your life? How could you share that this week with someone else?
  3. Pray in light of any applications you’ve made.
  4. Sing He will Hold Me Fast to God and to one another.

Luke 8:22-39 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read Luke 8:22-39
  2. What characters do you see?
  3. Do you see any major breaks or divisions in the story?
  4. What was the disciples' reaction to the storm?
    1. What was their reaction to Jesus calming the storm?
  5. How is the demon-possessed man described?
    1. How does he identify Jesus?
    2. What is the reaction of the herdsman & townspeople after Jesus heals this man?


What does it mean?

  1. What do the disciples learn about Jesus’ authority and power in these two situations?
    1. Do the two miracles display different things about Jesus or his authority?
    2. How could faith have changed the way the disciples reacted to the windstorm?
  2. The demons recognize that Jesus is the Son of God. How is recognizing what is true about Jesus different from having saving faith in Jesus?
  3. Why do you think the herdsmen and townspeople reacted the way they did? Why do you think they would want Jesus to depart?
    1. Contrast this with the reaction of the man who’s been freed from demons. What does he wish to do?
    2. Why do you think Jesus tells him not to follow him?


How should it change us?

  1. Are there situations where you’re tempted to fear and you wonder why Jesus isn’t doing anything?
    1. What would it look like to bring your fears and requests to God rather than to fear?
    2. What can you trust about God’s character when you fear your faith may fail?
      1. Read Luke 11:9-13. How does this passage help you trust God’s character with the things you ask for?
  2. How are you helpless apart from Christ? (like the demon-possessed man)
    1. What is a joy-filled story about Jesus and his work in your life? How could you share that this week with someone else?
  3. Pray in light of any applications you’ve made.
  4. Sing He will Hold Me Fast to God and to one another.