Micah 6-7 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  • Read Micah chapters 6-7
  • Do you notice any repeated words or ideas in these chapters?
  • What are the charges God brings against his people ?
  • What is good in Lord's sight and what does God require of his people ?
  • What do we learn about God from these chapters ?


What does it mean?

  • How can God be judge and justifier ?
  • Does the curses mentioned in 6:14-15 remind you of any passage from first five books of the Old testament.(Read Deut.28) Why do you think Micah is using similar language here ?
  • Why does God forgive his people's sin ? What do you learn about yourself and about God?


How should it change us?

  • How should these chapters help us see God's favour towards his people even in the midst of their sin?
  • How are you encouraged by reading these verses ?(7:18-20)
  • Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  • Sing My Heart is Filled with Thankfulness to God and to one another.

Micah 6-7 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  • Read Micah chapters 6-7
  • Do you notice any repeated words or ideas in these chapters?
  • What are the charges God brings against his people ?
  • What is good in Lord's sight and what does God require of his people ?
  • What do we learn about God from these chapters ?


What does it mean?

  • How can God be judge and justifier ?
  • Does the curses mentioned in 6:14-15 remind you of any passage from first five books of the Old testament.(Read Deut.28) Why do you think Micah is using similar language here ?
  • Why does God forgive his people's sin ? What do you learn about yourself and about God?


How should it change us?

  • How should these chapters help us see God's favour towards his people even in the midst of their sin?
  • How are you encouraged by reading these verses ?(7:18-20)
  • Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  • Sing My Heart is Filled with Thankfulness to God and to one another.