Revelation 22:6-21 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read Revelation 22:6-21
  2. What repeated themes or words or ideas did you notice throughout the passage?
  3. What characters or locations are mentioned?
    1. How are they described?
  4.  What blessings do you see? [Rev 22:7, 14]
    1. What about curses? [Rev 22:18-19]
  5. What is one question you want to have answered about this text?


What does it mean?

  1. Read Revelation 22:6 again. Why must these things soon take place?
    1. Note that this same word is used in Rev. 1:1 as well. Why would it be comforting for the original audience to know that these things are certain?
  2. Jesus says, "I am coming soon" three times in this passage, and the idea of His soon coming is sprinkled throughout the book. Do you think Jesus was wrong? Was John mistaken?
    1. What do you think Jesus means that He is coming soon?
  3. Rev 22:7 says there is blessing for the one who keeps the words written in it. Now that you've read through the entire book, what do you think it means to "keep the words" of Revelation?
    1. What is the blessing?
  4. What does this chapter teach about how a person can be welcomed into the new creation? (especially v. 14)
    1. What do these teach about what keeps a person outside of the new creation? [v. 15, 11]
  5. What do you think it means to add to God's revelation? What would it look like to take away from it?
    1. Can you think of any modern day examples of this?


How should it change us?

  1. Do you Jesus' words bring you comfort or fear? Why?
    1. What would need to change in your life for His words to bring you comfort and joy?
    2. Your good works (or lack of bad works) will not grant you access to the new creation. Rather, you need to have your robes washed and your heart made new. A heart like this will continue to go to the Lord confessing and repenting of sin--sin that He already sees.
  2. Have you prayed lately that Jesus would come soon?
    1. Why or why not?
    2. Do you think this is something that Christians should do consistently?
  3. How can you grow in "keeping" the words of this book this week?
  4. Pray in light of this passage and through any applications you've made
    1. Praise God for the New Heavens and New Earth that are coming!
  5. Sing We Will Feast in the House of Zion to God and to one another.

Revelation 22:6-21 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read Revelation 22:6-21
  2. What repeated themes or words or ideas did you notice throughout the passage?
  3. What characters or locations are mentioned?
    1. How are they described?
  4.  What blessings do you see? [Rev 22:7, 14]
    1. What about curses? [Rev 22:18-19]
  5. What is one question you want to have answered about this text?


What does it mean?

  1. Read Revelation 22:6 again. Why must these things soon take place?
    1. Note that this same word is used in Rev. 1:1 as well. Why would it be comforting for the original audience to know that these things are certain?
  2. Jesus says, "I am coming soon" three times in this passage, and the idea of His soon coming is sprinkled throughout the book. Do you think Jesus was wrong? Was John mistaken?
    1. What do you think Jesus means that He is coming soon?
  3. Rev 22:7 says there is blessing for the one who keeps the words written in it. Now that you've read through the entire book, what do you think it means to "keep the words" of Revelation?
    1. What is the blessing?
  4. What does this chapter teach about how a person can be welcomed into the new creation? (especially v. 14)
    1. What do these teach about what keeps a person outside of the new creation? [v. 15, 11]
  5. What do you think it means to add to God's revelation? What would it look like to take away from it?
    1. Can you think of any modern day examples of this?


How should it change us?

  1. Do you Jesus' words bring you comfort or fear? Why?
    1. What would need to change in your life for His words to bring you comfort and joy?
    2. Your good works (or lack of bad works) will not grant you access to the new creation. Rather, you need to have your robes washed and your heart made new. A heart like this will continue to go to the Lord confessing and repenting of sin--sin that He already sees.
  2. Have you prayed lately that Jesus would come soon?
    1. Why or why not?
    2. Do you think this is something that Christians should do consistently?
  3. How can you grow in "keeping" the words of this book this week?
  4. Pray in light of this passage and through any applications you've made
    1. Praise God for the New Heavens and New Earth that are coming!
  5. Sing We Will Feast in the House of Zion to God and to one another.