brown wooden book shelf with books

Core Classes

Core Classes are offered on Sunday mornings for church members and visitors. The purpose of these classes is to help us understand specific topics and truths about theology, history, ministry, and the Christian life.

Fall 2024 Core Classes


  1. What is the Bible? | Audio, PDF
  2. Four Parts of the Bible’s Big Picture | Audio, PDF
  3. Six Covenants of the Bible’s Big Picture | Audio, PDF
  4. Context, Context, Context | Audio, PDF
  5. Genres & Text Types
  6. Basic Inductive Bible Study & Getting to the Gospel

Bible bootcamp Square

Other Teachings & Classes

Here we will link audio from select teachings, classes, and studies. Prayer Meetings and conference audio will be located on our “Sermons” page.

  1. The Lord’s Prayer & Forgiveness – Matthew 6:9-15 (Mid-Week Bible Study, 16 Aug 2023)

  2. Bible Overview Talk – Brian Parks (FOCUS Week, 22 Aug 2023)
  1. Grieving with Hope | A Night with Richard Chin (Mid-Week Bible Study, 19 Oct 2023)

Previous Core Classes

Our previous core classes are listed below. We pray they help you as you follow Jesus and make disciples.

  1. Intro: Do We Really Need Help? | Audio
  2. The Heart is the Target | Audio
  3. Understanding Your Heart Struggle | Audio
  4. Following the Wonderful Counselor | Audio
  5. Love I | Audio
  6. Love II | Audio
  7. Know I | Audio
  8. Know II | Audio
  9. Speak I | Audio
  10. Speak II | Audio
  11. Do I | Audio
  12. Do II | Audio

PDF of class notes

Cover for Biblical Counseling Class at Covenant Hope Church

A 12-week overview of the 27 New Testament books, led by Michael Abraham and Mark Donald.

  1. Introduction to the NT | Audio, PDF
  2. Gospels (Matt, Mark, Luke, John) | Audio, PDF
  3. Acts | Audio, PDF
  4. Romans | PDF
  5. 1 & 2 Corinthians | Audio, PDF
  6. 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus | Audio, PDF
  7. 1 & 2 Thessalonians | Audio, PDF
  8. Gal, Eph, Phil, Col, & Philemon | Audio, PDF
  9. Hebrews, James | Audio, PDF
  10. 1 & 2 Peter, Jude | Audio, PDF
  11. 1-3 John & Revelation | Audio, PDF

NT Overview Cover

  1. Introduction | Audio, PDF
  2. Life Worship | Audio, PDF
  3. Bible 1 | Audio, PDF
  4. Bible 2 | Audio, PDF
  5. Prayer & Confession | Audio, PDF
  6. Evangelism | Audio, PDF
  7. Serving | Audio, PDF
  8. Stewardship | Audio, PDF
  9. Cultivating Fruit 1 | Audio, PDF
  10. Cultivating Fruit 2 | Audio, PDF
  11. Perseverance | Audio, PDF

How to Grow Cover

A 13-week overview of Church History, from the churches in the New Testament until today, led by Mark Donald and Evan Thibodeau.

  1. Survival and Resistance: The Patient Growth of the Early Church (49-312) | Audio, PDF
  2. Constantine, Councils, and Creeds (313-451) | Audio, PDF
  3. Augustine and the Fall of Rome (303-430) | Audio, PDF
  4. Developing Doctrine: The Rise of Scholasticism (800-1274) | Audio, PDF
  5. Doctrinal Decay and the Seeds of Reform (900-1415) | Audio, PDF
  6. Reformation Unleashed: Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli (1483- 1546) | Audio, PDF
  7. Reformation Contested: Calvin and the Council of Trent (1509-1564) | Audio, PDF 
  8. The English Reformation and Puritanism (1520-1689) | Audio, PDF
  9. The Early English and American Baptists (1609-1988) | Audio, PDF
  10. Awakenings in America (1662-1875) | Audio, PDF
  11. The Modern Missions Movement (1792-1910) | Audio, PDF
  12. Rise and Response to Theological Liberalism (1799-1929) | Audio, PDF
  13. History of Christians in the UAE | Audio, PDF

Church History Podcast

An overview and practical guide to personal evangelism and evangelism in the life of the church.

  1. Introduction to the Course | Audio
  2. Why do we share the Great News?
  3. What is the Gospel? | Audio
  4. Sharing the Great News – Part 1 & 2 | Audio
  5. Sharing the Great News – Part 3 | Audio
  6. Sharing the Great News – Part 4 | Audio

Evangelism Podcast

A 10-week overview of the 39 Old Testament books, led by Michael Abraham and Mark Donald.

  1. Introduction and Overview | Audio, PDF
  2. Pentateuch 1 (Genesis, Exodus) | Audio, PDF
  3. Pentateuch 2 (Lev, Num, Deut) | Audio, PDF
  4. History 1 (Joshua, Judges & Ruth | Audio, PDF
  5. History 2 (Samuel, Kings, Chronicles) | Audio, PDF
  6. Wisdom (Job, Psalms, Prov, Eccl, Songs) | Audio, PDF
  7. Major Prophets 1 (Isaiah, Jer, Lam) | Audio, PDF
  8. Major Prophets 2 (Ezekiel, Daniel) | Audio, PDF
  9. Minor Prophets (The Twelve) | Audio, PDF
  10. History 3 (Ezra, Neh, Esther) | Audio, PDF

An overview of God’s purpose and biblical methods for parenting, led by Brian Parks and Nisin Mathew.

  1. God’s Purpose for the Family | Audio, PDF
  2. The Ministry of the Family | Audio, PDF
  3. Family Worship | Audio, PDF
  4. The Heart of Behavior | Audio, PDF
  5. Formative Discipline | Audio, PDF
  6. When You Can’t Reach the Heart | Audio, PDF
  7. The Rod of Correction | Audio, PDF
  8. Children, Technology and Social Media | Audio, PDF
  9. Parenting Panel Discussion | Audio