Jonah 2 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read Jonah chapter 2.
  2. Do you notice any repeated words or ideas in these chapters?
  3. How are verses 1 and 10 different from the rest of the chapter?
  4. What words does Jonah use to describe the water?
  5. Besides Jonah, who else is mentioned in these verses?


What does it mean?

  1. How would you describe Jonah's journey downward?
    1. What sort of distress did Jonah experience? (physical?, emotional?, etc.)
  2. What does it mean to "cry out" to the Lord?
    1. Is this something that people still do today?
    2. What tends to cause people to cry out to God?
    3. Does God always hear our prayers?
  3. In the different phrases and descriptions of this chapter, how do you see God in control?
  4. Based on verses 7-9, what do you think Jonah learns from everything that's happened to him?
    1. Is anything missing from Jonah's prayer?
    2. What could Jonah add to his prayer to show that he's truly been changed by God's grace?


How should it change us?

  1. Think about some hard times that you've experienced in your life.
    1. How has God taught you by allowing those hard times?
    2. How does that change how you can think about hard times in the future?
  2. It can be easy to look at Jonah's disobedience and ability to rationalize his rebellion, but perhaps we're not so different from Jonah.
    1. How can you be tempted to do the same things?
    2. How can we grow in our understanding of our own sin?
    3. Think of one sin from this last week that you can confess to God and to others.
  3. Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  4. Sing Salvation Belongs to Our God to God and to one another.

Jonah 2 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read Jonah chapter 2.
  2. Do you notice any repeated words or ideas in these chapters?
  3. How are verses 1 and 10 different from the rest of the chapter?
  4. What words does Jonah use to describe the water?
  5. Besides Jonah, who else is mentioned in these verses?


What does it mean?

  1. How would you describe Jonah's journey downward?
    1. What sort of distress did Jonah experience? (physical?, emotional?, etc.)
  2. What does it mean to "cry out" to the Lord?
    1. Is this something that people still do today?
    2. What tends to cause people to cry out to God?
    3. Does God always hear our prayers?
  3. In the different phrases and descriptions of this chapter, how do you see God in control?
  4. Based on verses 7-9, what do you think Jonah learns from everything that's happened to him?
    1. Is anything missing from Jonah's prayer?
    2. What could Jonah add to his prayer to show that he's truly been changed by God's grace?


How should it change us?

  1. Think about some hard times that you've experienced in your life.
    1. How has God taught you by allowing those hard times?
    2. How does that change how you can think about hard times in the future?
  2. It can be easy to look at Jonah's disobedience and ability to rationalize his rebellion, but perhaps we're not so different from Jonah.
    1. How can you be tempted to do the same things?
    2. How can we grow in our understanding of our own sin?
    3. Think of one sin from this last week that you can confess to God and to others.
  3. Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  4. Sing Salvation Belongs to Our God to God and to one another.