Genesis 50:15-21 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read Genesis 50:15-21
  2. Who are the people in this passage?
  3. Do you see any repeated words or ideas?
  4. How many brothers did Joseph have? [11 brothers. See Gen. 35:23-26]
  5. What evil had Jospeh's brothers done to him? (see Genesis 37:12-35)
  6. What do the brothers hope will be the result of their speech?
  7. How would you summarize Joseph's response in 1 sentence?


What does it mean?

  1. What would you say is the conflict of this passage?
    1. Why did Joseph's brothers do this to him?
    2. Is there any doubt that they did evil to him?
  2. If you were Joseph, what might be your response?
    1. Why do you think Joseph wept at their speech? (v. 17)
  3. Why do you think it's significant that the brothers bow down to Joseph? [remember Genesis 37:5,9]
  4. Joseph responds to his brothers' two pleas for forgiveness (v.17) with two statements not to fear (v.19, 21)
    1. Why does Joseph say that his brothers shouldn't fear?
    2. Can you think of other places in the Bible where people meant to do evil, but God uses it for good?
  5. How does God's good plans through evil deeds give comfort?


How should it change us?

  1. What can we learn about God from this passage?
  2. How do you need to change in light of this passage?
    1. Is there someone in your life who you are withholding forgiveness from? What would it look like to trust God in this situation and truly forgive them?
  3. How can you use this passage to encourage other church members who are struggling?
  4. Pray in light of this passage and any applications you've made.
  5. Sing O Great God to God and to one another.

Genesis 50:15-21 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read Genesis 50:15-21
  2. Who are the people in this passage?
  3. Do you see any repeated words or ideas?
  4. How many brothers did Joseph have? [11 brothers. See Gen. 35:23-26]
  5. What evil had Jospeh's brothers done to him? (see Genesis 37:12-35)
  6. What do the brothers hope will be the result of their speech?
  7. How would you summarize Joseph's response in 1 sentence?


What does it mean?

  1. What would you say is the conflict of this passage?
    1. Why did Joseph's brothers do this to him?
    2. Is there any doubt that they did evil to him?
  2. If you were Joseph, what might be your response?
    1. Why do you think Joseph wept at their speech? (v. 17)
  3. Why do you think it's significant that the brothers bow down to Joseph? [remember Genesis 37:5,9]
  4. Joseph responds to his brothers' two pleas for forgiveness (v.17) with two statements not to fear (v.19, 21)
    1. Why does Joseph say that his brothers shouldn't fear?
    2. Can you think of other places in the Bible where people meant to do evil, but God uses it for good?
  5. How does God's good plans through evil deeds give comfort?


How should it change us?

  1. What can we learn about God from this passage?
  2. How do you need to change in light of this passage?
    1. Is there someone in your life who you are withholding forgiveness from? What would it look like to trust God in this situation and truly forgive them?
  3. How can you use this passage to encourage other church members who are struggling?
  4. Pray in light of this passage and any applications you've made.
  5. Sing O Great God to God and to one another.