1 Samuel 4:1-7:2 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read 1 Samuel 4:1-7:2 (about 10 minutes)
  2. Work together to retell what happened in these chapters. (You could have someone share, and then others can help them fill in the details they miss)
  3. There is lots of death in these chapters.
    1. Where do you see death in Israel?
    2. Where do you see death among the Philistines?
  4. How is the Lord described in these chapters?
  5. What is one question that you'd like to have answered about this text?


What does it mean?

  1. When the elder of Israel call for the ark of the Lord to be brought up to battle (1 Samuel 4:3), what does this reveal about how they think about God?
    1. It seems like God's own honor is on the line. Why do you think God allow the Israelites to be defeated and the ark to be captured?
  2. How might this defeat of Israel show both judgment and grace?
    1. [Judgment on their sin and bad assumptions about God as a "good luck charm". Grace to fulfill the promise that the bad shepherds of Israel (Hophni and Phinehas) would die. Grace also for God to go "into exile" on behalf of Israel]
  3. Evidently, the Philistines had heard about what happened to the Egyptians at the Exodus. How does their knowledge of this affect their actions in these chapters? (4:8 , 6:6)
  4. How are Dagon's hands (1 Samuel 5:4) contrasted with another's "hand" in 1 Samuel 5:6-11?
  5. The men at Beth-shemesh rejoiced to see the ark returning, but their joy didn't last long because some "looked upon" the ark and died (1 Samuel 6:19). Why do you think this "look" was so deadly?
    1. Read Numbers 4:17-20. How does this shed light on these people's foolishness?
    2. What does this reveal about the Lord?
  6. How would you summarize God's purpose in all these things?
    1. What is he showing about Himself?
    2. What might he be preparing Israel for?


How should it change us?

  1. Have you ever used God as a "good luck charm" in your life?
    1. What did that look like?
    2. What would it look like to depend on God rather than trying to use him?
  2. How does the holiness of God affect your daily life?
    1. Does God's holiness mean that we can't know him intimately?
    2. When it comes to our relationship with God, what is the difference between intimacy and mere familiarity?
    3. How does God's holiness and might affect the way we view other "gods" or powers?
    4. How can you grow in understanding the Holiness of God?
  3. Pray in light of this passage and any applications you've made. [Perhaps for boldness to speak and share Gods word.]
  4. Sing O Praise the Name to God and to one another.
Some of the questions from this study were developed from Dale Ralph Davis' commentary on 1 Samuel.

1 Samuel 4:1-7:2 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read 1 Samuel 4:1-7:2 (about 10 minutes)
  2. Work together to retell what happened in these chapters. (You could have someone share, and then others can help them fill in the details they miss)
  3. There is lots of death in these chapters.
    1. Where do you see death in Israel?
    2. Where do you see death among the Philistines?
  4. How is the Lord described in these chapters?
  5. What is one question that you'd like to have answered about this text?


What does it mean?

  1. When the elder of Israel call for the ark of the Lord to be brought up to battle (1 Samuel 4:3), what does this reveal about how they think about God?
    1. It seems like God's own honor is on the line. Why do you think God allow the Israelites to be defeated and the ark to be captured?
  2. How might this defeat of Israel show both judgment and grace?
    1. [Judgment on their sin and bad assumptions about God as a "good luck charm". Grace to fulfill the promise that the bad shepherds of Israel (Hophni and Phinehas) would die. Grace also for God to go "into exile" on behalf of Israel]
  3. Evidently, the Philistines had heard about what happened to the Egyptians at the Exodus. How does their knowledge of this affect their actions in these chapters? (4:8 , 6:6)
  4. How are Dagon's hands (1 Samuel 5:4) contrasted with another's "hand" in 1 Samuel 5:6-11?
  5. The men at Beth-shemesh rejoiced to see the ark returning, but their joy didn't last long because some "looked upon" the ark and died (1 Samuel 6:19). Why do you think this "look" was so deadly?
    1. Read Numbers 4:17-20. How does this shed light on these people's foolishness?
    2. What does this reveal about the Lord?
  6. How would you summarize God's purpose in all these things?
    1. What is he showing about Himself?
    2. What might he be preparing Israel for?


How should it change us?

  1. Have you ever used God as a "good luck charm" in your life?
    1. What did that look like?
    2. What would it look like to depend on God rather than trying to use him?
  2. How does the holiness of God affect your daily life?
    1. Does God's holiness mean that we can't know him intimately?
    2. When it comes to our relationship with God, what is the difference between intimacy and mere familiarity?
    3. How does God's holiness and might affect the way we view other "gods" or powers?
    4. How can you grow in understanding the Holiness of God?
  3. Pray in light of this passage and any applications you've made. [Perhaps for boldness to speak and share Gods word.]
  4. Sing O Praise the Name to God and to one another.
Some of the questions from this study were developed from Dale Ralph Davis' commentary on 1 Samuel.