Michael Abraham

2 Timothy 1:1–5 – September 27th, 2019


What does it say?

  1. Read 2 Timothy 1:1–5
  2. Who wrote this letter?
    1. What does the person call themselves? (v. 1)
  3. Who was the letter written to?
    1. What is the person called? (v. 2)
  4. Who does the author thank in v. 3 and why?
  5. Why does the author long to see the person written to?


What does it mean?

  1. What is an 'apostle' in v. 1?
  2. Why does Paul call Timothy 'my beloved child' in v. 2?
  3. What is the occasion for Timothy's tears in v. 4?
  4. Who are Lois and Eunice and how did they influence Timothy?


How should it change us?

  1. How can we be encouraged by this passage?
  2. Does your prayer life look like Paul's in v. 3?
    1. What do you think motivates his constant prayer?
  3. What implications are there for parents and families to disciple and share the gospel with those under their care?
    1. How can we as a church help those with children in this?
  4. Sing All Glory Be to Christ to God and to one another.

2 Timothy 1:1–5 – September 27th, 2019


What does it say?

  1. Read 2 Timothy 1:1–5
  2. Who wrote this letter?
    1. What does the person call themselves? (v. 1)
  3. Who was the letter written to?
    1. What is the person called? (v. 2)
  4. Who does the author thank in v. 3 and why?
  5. Why does the author long to see the person written to?


What does it mean?

  1. What is an 'apostle' in v. 1?
  2. Why does Paul call Timothy 'my beloved child' in v. 2?
  3. What is the occasion for Timothy's tears in v. 4?
  4. Who are Lois and Eunice and how did they influence Timothy?


How should it change us?

  1. How can we be encouraged by this passage?
  2. Does your prayer life look like Paul's in v. 3?
    1. What do you think motivates his constant prayer?
  3. What implications are there for parents and families to disciple and share the gospel with those under their care?
    1. How can we as a church help those with children in this?
  4. Sing All Glory Be to Christ to God and to one another.