Habakkuk 3 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

Habakkuk was a prophet and likely a contemporary of Jeremiah. The last chapter, chapter 3, is a psalm which is Habakkuk's prayer. Check out this link for a more in depth introduction to the book.

  1. Read Habbakuk 3
  2. What repeated words to you notice?
  3. What do you see about God from this chapter?
  4. How does Habakkuk respond? (Hab 3:16-19)
  5. What is one question that you'd like to have answered about this text?


What does it mean?

  1. Compare Habakkuk 3 with Psalm 17. What similarities do you see? What differences?
  2. How would you describe God's actions in Habakkuk 3?
    1. Are these descriptions surprising? How do they shape/change your view of God?
    2. What response or emotion does it stir in your heart as you read?
    3. Why did God go out? (v. 13)
  3. Why do you think God's judgment results in rejoicing for Habakkuk at the end of this book? (Hab 3:18)
    1. Where is his joy found? In his circumstances?
  4. What three things does the Lord do for Habakkuk? (v. 19)
    1. What do these things mean?
    2. How might we need these things in our lives today?


How should it change us?

  1. How does this vision teach us to think about news and events we see in the world today?
    1. What should we do when we're worried about what's happening in the world?
    2. How can you begin to find joy despite your circumstances this week?
  2. How else could this text apply to your week this week?
  3. Pray in light of this passage and any applications you've made.
  4. Sing Only a Holy God to God and to one another.

Habakkuk 3 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

Habakkuk was a prophet and likely a contemporary of Jeremiah. The last chapter, chapter 3, is a psalm which is Habakkuk's prayer. Check out this link for a more in depth introduction to the book.

  1. Read Habbakuk 3
  2. What repeated words to you notice?
  3. What do you see about God from this chapter?
  4. How does Habakkuk respond? (Hab 3:16-19)
  5. What is one question that you'd like to have answered about this text?


What does it mean?

  1. Compare Habakkuk 3 with Psalm 17. What similarities do you see? What differences?
  2. How would you describe God's actions in Habakkuk 3?
    1. Are these descriptions surprising? How do they shape/change your view of God?
    2. What response or emotion does it stir in your heart as you read?
    3. Why did God go out? (v. 13)
  3. Why do you think God's judgment results in rejoicing for Habakkuk at the end of this book? (Hab 3:18)
    1. Where is his joy found? In his circumstances?
  4. What three things does the Lord do for Habakkuk? (v. 19)
    1. What do these things mean?
    2. How might we need these things in our lives today?


How should it change us?

  1. How does this vision teach us to think about news and events we see in the world today?
    1. What should we do when we're worried about what's happening in the world?
    2. How can you begin to find joy despite your circumstances this week?
  2. How else could this text apply to your week this week?
  3. Pray in light of this passage and any applications you've made.
  4. Sing Only a Holy God to God and to one another.