John 6:41-71 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read John 6:41-71.
  2. Do you notice any repeated words or ideas?
  3. What ideas do we see repeated from previous sections in John?
  4. Which groups of people do you see grumbling in this passage?
  5. What promises does Jesus make?
  6. Who is left at the end of this chapter? (John 6:66-67)


What does it mean?

  1. Why did the Jews grumble in John 6:41?
    1. How are the Jews here similar to the Old Testament Jews (see Exodus 6:8Numbers 11:1-15)
    2. How does Jesus respond to their refusal to come to him?
  2. What is the connection between Jesus and the Father in verses 44-46?
    1. What does it mean to "draw" someone (v. 44)?
    2. How do you think God the Father "draws" people to Jesus?
  3. Jesus says that he is the bread of life (v. 48) and that the bread is his flesh (v. 51).
    1. Why do you think this message was so difficult for the Jews to hear?
  4. Next, Jesus says that whoever drinks his blood abides in him (v. 55-56).
    1. In what sense was Jesus asking his followers to eat his flesh and drink his blood?
    2. If you were there, do you think you would have taken offense to this?
    3. Many turn away after Jesus says these things (v. 66). Does Jesus seem worried about losing followers?


How should it change us?

  1. What have you learned about Jesus as a result of studying these verses?
    1. How would you summarize them in 1 sentence?
  2. What would it look like for us to feast on Jesus daily and grow in our love for Him?
    1. Are there other lesser things that you "nibble" on that weaken your love for Christ?
    2. What steps can you take this week to "feast" on God's word?
  3. Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  4. Sing Our Great God to God and to one another.

John 6:41-71 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read John 6:41-71.
  2. Do you notice any repeated words or ideas?
  3. What ideas do we see repeated from previous sections in John?
  4. Which groups of people do you see grumbling in this passage?
  5. What promises does Jesus make?
  6. Who is left at the end of this chapter? (John 6:66-67)


What does it mean?

  1. Why did the Jews grumble in John 6:41?
    1. How are the Jews here similar to the Old Testament Jews (see Exodus 6:8Numbers 11:1-15)
    2. How does Jesus respond to their refusal to come to him?
  2. What is the connection between Jesus and the Father in verses 44-46?
    1. What does it mean to "draw" someone (v. 44)?
    2. How do you think God the Father "draws" people to Jesus?
  3. Jesus says that he is the bread of life (v. 48) and that the bread is his flesh (v. 51).
    1. Why do you think this message was so difficult for the Jews to hear?
  4. Next, Jesus says that whoever drinks his blood abides in him (v. 55-56).
    1. In what sense was Jesus asking his followers to eat his flesh and drink his blood?
    2. If you were there, do you think you would have taken offense to this?
    3. Many turn away after Jesus says these things (v. 66). Does Jesus seem worried about losing followers?


How should it change us?

  1. What have you learned about Jesus as a result of studying these verses?
    1. How would you summarize them in 1 sentence?
  2. What would it look like for us to feast on Jesus daily and grow in our love for Him?
    1. Are there other lesser things that you "nibble" on that weaken your love for Christ?
    2. What steps can you take this week to "feast" on God's word?
  3. Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  4. Sing Our Great God to God and to one another.