John 10:1-21 | Bible Study Questions
What does it say?
- Read John 10:1-21.
- What characters are mentioned in our text and who are they?
- To whom is Jesus speaking?
- Do you notice any repeated words or ideas? (even from previous sections of John)
- How is Jesus described in this chapter?
- How are the sheep described in this chapter?
- What does a shepherd do for his sheep?
- How is that different than the hired hand or the thief?
What does it mean?
- What do you think Jesus means when he says "I am the door" in verses 7 and 9?
- What does it mean if someone enters by the door?
- If Jesus is the "door", then who do you think is the "thief"?
- What do you think Jesus means when he says "I am the good shepherd" in verses 11 and 14?
- What makes Jesus a "good shepherd"?
- What does it mean that the sheep recognize his voice?
- What does it tell you about Jesus that he calls his sheep by name?
- How does Jesus lay down his life for the sheep?
- Read Psalm 23
- Who is the shepherd in this Psalm?
- What stands out to you about the Shepherd?
- What is the reason that the shepherd leads the sheep?
- How is Jesus like the shepherd in Psalm 23?
- What do you think it means in verse 16 that there are other sheep that are not of this fold? (remember who Jesus is talking to)
- Why is it important for Christians to know that there is one flock and one shepherd?
How should it change us?
- How would you describe the "good life"? What makes someone's life good and meaningful?
- Jesus says that he came to give "abundant life" in verse 10. Other Bible versions translate that as "life to the full". What does Jesus give that can make our life "full" or "abundant"?
- What would it look like for you to live a full life in Jesus this week?
- Are there any areas of life where it can be hard for you to trust Jesus as a "good shepherd"?
- How can you grow in trusting Jesus and following him like a faithful sheep?
- Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
- Sing Christ our Hope in Life and Death to God and to one another.
Print Bible Study
John 10:1-21 | Bible Study Questions
What does it say?
- Read John 10:1-21.
- What characters are mentioned in our text and who are they?
- To whom is Jesus speaking?
- Do you notice any repeated words or ideas? (even from previous sections of John)
- How is Jesus described in this chapter?
- How are the sheep described in this chapter?
- What does a shepherd do for his sheep?
- How is that different than the hired hand or the thief?
What does it mean?
- What do you think Jesus means when he says "I am the door" in verses 7 and 9?
- What does it mean if someone enters by the door?
- If Jesus is the "door", then who do you think is the "thief"?
- What do you think Jesus means when he says "I am the good shepherd" in verses 11 and 14?
- What makes Jesus a "good shepherd"?
- What does it mean that the sheep recognize his voice?
- What does it tell you about Jesus that he calls his sheep by name?
- How does Jesus lay down his life for the sheep?
- Read Psalm 23
- Who is the shepherd in this Psalm?
- What stands out to you about the Shepherd?
- What is the reason that the shepherd leads the sheep?
- How is Jesus like the shepherd in Psalm 23?
- What do you think it means in verse 16 that there are other sheep that are not of this fold? (remember who Jesus is talking to)
- Why is it important for Christians to know that there is one flock and one shepherd?
How should it change us?
- How would you describe the "good life"? What makes someone's life good and meaningful?
- Jesus says that he came to give "abundant life" in verse 10. Other Bible versions translate that as "life to the full". What does Jesus give that can make our life "full" or "abundant"?
- What would it look like for you to live a full life in Jesus this week?
- Are there any areas of life where it can be hard for you to trust Jesus as a "good shepherd"?
- How can you grow in trusting Jesus and following him like a faithful sheep?
- Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
- Sing Christ our Hope in Life and Death to God and to one another.