Lamentations 5 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read Lamentations 5.
  2. Do you notice any repeated words or ideas in Lamentations 5?
  3. How is God described in this passage?
  4. What characters do you see?
    1. How are they described?
  5. Does the tone of the author change throughout the chapter? How so?
  6. How is this chapter similar or different than the other chapters in Lamentations?


What does it mean?

  1. Once again there is vivid description of what's happened in the city of Jerusalem. What statements in this chapter stand out to you about the severity of God's judgment?
    1. Did Israel ever expect something like this to happen?
    2. Read Jeremiah 5:11-12
      1. Contrast their current position with what they formerly said.
      2. What were they missing?
  2. Laments often consist of 4 parts: Address to God, a description of the suffering, a plea for help, and an expression of hope. Do you see those elements in Lamentations 5?
    1. What is the author asking God to do?
    2. Does he seem hopeful?


How should it change us?

  1. Some people would not expect a verse like Lamentations 5:15 to be in the Bible. Why is it helpful that God has included such things?
    1. What might cause someone to feel this way in the church today?
    2. What might it look like to comfort and "weep with those who weep" in that kind of joylessness?
  2. When faced with suffering, why is it important that we remember God's power and control? (v. 19)
    1. Why would it be difficult to think about that truth when bad things are happening?
  3. How have these sermons through lament impacted how you are living?
    1. What is the benefit of lament for Christians?
    2. Do you think Christians should make lament a regular part of their prayers to God? Why or why not?
  4. Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  5. Sing Not in Me to God and to one another.

Lamentations 5 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read Lamentations 5.
  2. Do you notice any repeated words or ideas in Lamentations 5?
  3. How is God described in this passage?
  4. What characters do you see?
    1. How are they described?
  5. Does the tone of the author change throughout the chapter? How so?
  6. How is this chapter similar or different than the other chapters in Lamentations?


What does it mean?

  1. Once again there is vivid description of what's happened in the city of Jerusalem. What statements in this chapter stand out to you about the severity of God's judgment?
    1. Did Israel ever expect something like this to happen?
    2. Read Jeremiah 5:11-12
      1. Contrast their current position with what they formerly said.
      2. What were they missing?
  2. Laments often consist of 4 parts: Address to God, a description of the suffering, a plea for help, and an expression of hope. Do you see those elements in Lamentations 5?
    1. What is the author asking God to do?
    2. Does he seem hopeful?


How should it change us?

  1. Some people would not expect a verse like Lamentations 5:15 to be in the Bible. Why is it helpful that God has included such things?
    1. What might cause someone to feel this way in the church today?
    2. What might it look like to comfort and "weep with those who weep" in that kind of joylessness?
  2. When faced with suffering, why is it important that we remember God's power and control? (v. 19)
    1. Why would it be difficult to think about that truth when bad things are happening?
  3. How have these sermons through lament impacted how you are living?
    1. What is the benefit of lament for Christians?
    2. Do you think Christians should make lament a regular part of their prayers to God? Why or why not?
  4. Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  5. Sing Not in Me to God and to one another.