Leviticus 16 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read Leviticus 16.
  2. Have you ever read the book of Leviticus? What is the book of Leviticus all about?
  3. What details do you notice about the Day of Atonement? List as many as you can.
    1. Which detail is most surprising to you? Why?
  4. What are the two different goat sacrifices? What did they represent?
  5. What was the purpose of the Day of Atonement? (Leviticus 16:34)


What does it mean?

  1. What is atonement? (read the first sentence here for a good definition))
  2. Why is it that God would demand animal sacrifices in order to make atonement for the sins they committed?
    1. How would you answer a friend that asked you "Why can't God just forgive sins"?
  3. How is it that Jesus forgives sins?
    1. What is similar and what is different to how sins are forgiven in Leviticus 16?
    2. How is the forgiveness offered in Christ better than the forgiveness offered in the Day of Atonement? (If you have time, read Hebrews 9:1-28 for some help!)


How should it change us?

  1. How does a better understanding of Leviticus 16 change the way we pray?
  2. Is there an area of your life that it's hard for you to feel completely forgiven by God?
    1. How can understanding Christ's once-for-all atonement for sin change the way you feel about that sin?
  3. Is there an area of your life where you need to confess sin?
    1. How does the forgiveness given us by Jesus free us to confess our sins to one another?
    2. If you feel comfortable and have time, confess one specific sin to one another and encourage each other with the gospel.
  4. Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  5. Sing The Power of the Cross to God and to one another.

Leviticus 16 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read Leviticus 16.
  2. Have you ever read the book of Leviticus? What is the book of Leviticus all about?
  3. What details do you notice about the Day of Atonement? List as many as you can.
    1. Which detail is most surprising to you? Why?
  4. What are the two different goat sacrifices? What did they represent?
  5. What was the purpose of the Day of Atonement? (Leviticus 16:34)


What does it mean?

  1. What is atonement? (read the first sentence here for a good definition))
  2. Why is it that God would demand animal sacrifices in order to make atonement for the sins they committed?
    1. How would you answer a friend that asked you "Why can't God just forgive sins"?
  3. How is it that Jesus forgives sins?
    1. What is similar and what is different to how sins are forgiven in Leviticus 16?
    2. How is the forgiveness offered in Christ better than the forgiveness offered in the Day of Atonement? (If you have time, read Hebrews 9:1-28 for some help!)


How should it change us?

  1. How does a better understanding of Leviticus 16 change the way we pray?
  2. Is there an area of your life that it's hard for you to feel completely forgiven by God?
    1. How can understanding Christ's once-for-all atonement for sin change the way you feel about that sin?
  3. Is there an area of your life where you need to confess sin?
    1. How does the forgiveness given us by Jesus free us to confess our sins to one another?
    2. If you feel comfortable and have time, confess one specific sin to one another and encourage each other with the gospel.
  4. Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  5. Sing The Power of the Cross to God and to one another.