Psalm 121 – August 10th 2018
What does it say?
Read Psalm 121:
- What question does the psalmist start with? What does it mean that he lifts his eyes to the hills?
- What is the answer he provides to his own question?
- What reasons does he give for why the Lord is his help?
- There are several different metaphors or word pictures to describe the Lord. Consider each one--what do those different pictures communicate about God?
- Can you summarize the general promise this psalm states?
How should it change us?
- What does it practically look like to look to the Lord for help?
- How should this shape the way you live? What would look differently, if you were able to live according to this promise all the time?
- How should we think about the promise that God will keep you from all evil? Does this mean that Christians cannot sin? What does it mean, and how should we live in response to that promise?
Print Bible Study
Psalm 121 – August 10th 2018
What does it say?
Read Psalm 121:
- What question does the psalmist start with? What does it mean that he lifts his eyes to the hills?
- What is the answer he provides to his own question?
- What reasons does he give for why the Lord is his help?
- There are several different metaphors or word pictures to describe the Lord. Consider each one--what do those different pictures communicate about God?
- Can you summarize the general promise this psalm states?
How should it change us?
- What does it practically look like to look to the Lord for help?
- How should this shape the way you live? What would look differently, if you were able to live according to this promise all the time?
- How should we think about the promise that God will keep you from all evil? Does this mean that Christians cannot sin? What does it mean, and how should we live in response to that promise?