Revelation 21:1-22:5 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read Revelation 21:1-22:5.
  2. What details about the new heavens and new earth stood out to you?
  3. What did the voice from the throne announce? (Rev. 21:3-8)
  4. What repeated themes or words or ideas did you notice throughout the passage?
  5. What characters or locations are mentioned?
    1. How are they described?
  6.  Do you see any comparisons or contrasts?
    1. How are evildoers described in Revelation 21:8,29?
  7. What is one question you want to have answered about this text?


What does it mean?

  1. Think back to Genesis 1-3 (or read it if you have time).
    1. What similarities do you see between the first creation ant the new creation?
    2. What differences do you see?
  2. What promises do you see in Rev. 21:3-8? [look for the word "will"]
    1. How do you think these promises would have affected the original readers of this book?
    2. How would these promises help them to deal with loss or pain in this world?
  3. John mentions two times those who will not receive these good promises (Rev. 21:8,29).
    1. Does anything in these lists surprise you? Why or why not?
    2. What effect do you think this distinction would have on the original readers?
  4. These verses highlight the significance of God dwelling with us (especially Rev. 21:3, 22:3-5)
    1. What keeps us from dwelling with God now? [sin]
    2. What is the difference between those who will see God face-to-face and those who will "burn with fire and sulfur" (v.8)? [The one who conquers (v. 7), those whose names are "written in the Lamb's book of life" (v. 27)]
    3. How can we "conquer" and have our names "written in the Lamb's book of life"? [gospel!]


How should it change us?

  1. How do these verses affect your own heart? Do they bring hope, fear, joy, or uncertainty?
  2. If you're a follower of the Lamb, how does this encourage you to persevere in your present suffering?
    1. What is one grief or pain you carry that you are especially looking forward to having "wiped away"?
  3. How do these descriptions of the new Jerusalem affect how you view our church?
    1. How can you encourage other church members as you long for this day when the church is made radiant and free from sin?
  4. If you're not sure if you're following the Lamb, what do these verses call you to do?
  5. Pray in light of this passage and through any applications you've made
    1. Praise God for the New Heavens and New Earth that are coming!
  6. Sing We Belong to the Day to God and to one another.

Revelation 21:1-22:5 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read Revelation 21:1-22:5.
  2. What details about the new heavens and new earth stood out to you?
  3. What did the voice from the throne announce? (Rev. 21:3-8)
  4. What repeated themes or words or ideas did you notice throughout the passage?
  5. What characters or locations are mentioned?
    1. How are they described?
  6.  Do you see any comparisons or contrasts?
    1. How are evildoers described in Revelation 21:8,29?
  7. What is one question you want to have answered about this text?


What does it mean?

  1. Think back to Genesis 1-3 (or read it if you have time).
    1. What similarities do you see between the first creation ant the new creation?
    2. What differences do you see?
  2. What promises do you see in Rev. 21:3-8? [look for the word "will"]
    1. How do you think these promises would have affected the original readers of this book?
    2. How would these promises help them to deal with loss or pain in this world?
  3. John mentions two times those who will not receive these good promises (Rev. 21:8,29).
    1. Does anything in these lists surprise you? Why or why not?
    2. What effect do you think this distinction would have on the original readers?
  4. These verses highlight the significance of God dwelling with us (especially Rev. 21:3, 22:3-5)
    1. What keeps us from dwelling with God now? [sin]
    2. What is the difference between those who will see God face-to-face and those who will "burn with fire and sulfur" (v.8)? [The one who conquers (v. 7), those whose names are "written in the Lamb's book of life" (v. 27)]
    3. How can we "conquer" and have our names "written in the Lamb's book of life"? [gospel!]


How should it change us?

  1. How do these verses affect your own heart? Do they bring hope, fear, joy, or uncertainty?
  2. If you're a follower of the Lamb, how does this encourage you to persevere in your present suffering?
    1. What is one grief or pain you carry that you are especially looking forward to having "wiped away"?
  3. How do these descriptions of the new Jerusalem affect how you view our church?
    1. How can you encourage other church members as you long for this day when the church is made radiant and free from sin?
  4. If you're not sure if you're following the Lamb, what do these verses call you to do?
  5. Pray in light of this passage and through any applications you've made
    1. Praise God for the New Heavens and New Earth that are coming!
  6. Sing We Belong to the Day to God and to one another.