Ruth 4 – 24th December 2021


What does it say?

  1. Read Ruth 4.
  2. What characters are mentioned? How are they described?
  3. Who gathers at the "gate" of Bethlehem?
  4.  How does Boaz describe the role of the elders and people gathered? (v. 9-11)
  5. What is the initial response of the unnamed redeemer? (v. 4)
    1. Why does he change his mind? (v. 6)


What does it mean?

  1. What do you think is significant about meeting at the city gate?
    1. Read Genesis 23:10-18 and Deuteronomy 25:7
    2. What do these passages tell us about the kinds of things that happen at city gates?
  2. What is so significant about what Boaz does?
    1. How does the unnamed Redeemers reluctance help us to understand the cost to Boaz?
    2. How does the generosity of Boaz here point us to Jesus' costly generosity towards sinners?
  3. In verse 14, the women remark that the Lord has not left Naomi.
    1. How have things changed since Naomi entered Bethlehem at the end of chapter 1?
    2. Why do you think the author of this book includes all these things about Naomi?
    3. What does this teach us about God and how He works in the world?
  4. If you have time, look back at Genesis 38.
    1. How does Ruth 4 connect with Genesis 38?
    2. Compare and contrast the book of Ruth with the story of Judah and Tamar.
    3. How do you see God's faithfulness in the book of Ruth to "perpetuate the name" of Judah, despite Judah's immorality?


How should it change us?

  1. What's one significant thing that you've learned or applied through studying the book of Ruth?
  2. Think again about Jesus' costly generosity towards sinners like us.
    1. We cannot repay Him for this, so how can we respond?
  3. How does the kindness of Boaz and the love of Ruth spur you on to show God's love and kindness to others?
    1. What are one or two practical ways that you can show loving-kindness to someone this week?
    2. How should this love and kindness shape our church?

Ruth 4 – 24th December 2021


What does it say?

  1. Read Ruth 4.
  2. What characters are mentioned? How are they described?
  3. Who gathers at the "gate" of Bethlehem?
  4.  How does Boaz describe the role of the elders and people gathered? (v. 9-11)
  5. What is the initial response of the unnamed redeemer? (v. 4)
    1. Why does he change his mind? (v. 6)


What does it mean?

  1. What do you think is significant about meeting at the city gate?
    1. Read Genesis 23:10-18 and Deuteronomy 25:7
    2. What do these passages tell us about the kinds of things that happen at city gates?
  2. What is so significant about what Boaz does?
    1. How does the unnamed Redeemers reluctance help us to understand the cost to Boaz?
    2. How does the generosity of Boaz here point us to Jesus' costly generosity towards sinners?
  3. In verse 14, the women remark that the Lord has not left Naomi.
    1. How have things changed since Naomi entered Bethlehem at the end of chapter 1?
    2. Why do you think the author of this book includes all these things about Naomi?
    3. What does this teach us about God and how He works in the world?
  4. If you have time, look back at Genesis 38.
    1. How does Ruth 4 connect with Genesis 38?
    2. Compare and contrast the book of Ruth with the story of Judah and Tamar.
    3. How do you see God's faithfulness in the book of Ruth to "perpetuate the name" of Judah, despite Judah's immorality?


How should it change us?

  1. What's one significant thing that you've learned or applied through studying the book of Ruth?
  2. Think again about Jesus' costly generosity towards sinners like us.
    1. We cannot repay Him for this, so how can we respond?
  3. How does the kindness of Boaz and the love of Ruth spur you on to show God's love and kindness to others?
    1. What are one or two practical ways that you can show loving-kindness to someone this week?
    2. How should this love and kindness shape our church?