John 12:36-50 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read John 12:36-50.
  2. Do you notice any repeated words or ideas? (even words/ideas that connect to previous sections of John)
  3. What Old Testament passages are mentioned in this text?
    1. What does Jesus say about these texts? (i.e. John 12:39, John 12:41)
  4. How is Jesus described in this chapter? (by himself or by others)


What does it mean?

  1. Why did the people still not believe in Jesus, even after all of the signs and miracles he had done for them?
    1. What kind of belief is Jesus looking for? Is it enough for people to simply believe he can do miracles? Or to acknowledge that he has power?
  2. Read Isaiah 53:1-3.
    1. How was verse 1 fulfilled in John 12:37-38?
    2. How do you see the rest of these verses from Isaiah fulfilled in Jesus?
  3. How can we account for the peoples' inability to believe in Jesus?
    1. Read Isaiah 6:8-10. How does this verse help to explain the peoples' blindness? Why don't they believe?
    2. What makes people spiritually blind?
    3. What causes some to see?
    4. In verse 42, what keeps some of the people from following Jesus even though they believe?
  4. What promises does Jesus make in verses 44-50?
    1. What is the basis of Jesus' judgment?
    2. What do you think it means that Jesus doesn't speak of his "own authority..."? (verse. 49)


How should it change us?

  1. It may have been discouraging to realize that so many people were rejecting Jesus after all of his miracles. But how does this encourage us to keep on going in our evangelism, even after an apparent lack of success?
    1. How does God's sovereignty in evangelism keep us from becoming proud?
  2. In your own life, how do you see yourself seeking "glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God"?
    1. What are some ways your life might change if God's glory was the highest goal of your mind and your heart?
  3. Thinking back on theses first 12 chapters of John, how would you answer this questions:
    1. Who is Jesus?
    2. What is he like?
    3. What does he want from us?
  4. Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  5. Sing His Mercy is More to God and to one another.

John 12:36-50 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read John 12:36-50.
  2. Do you notice any repeated words or ideas? (even words/ideas that connect to previous sections of John)
  3. What Old Testament passages are mentioned in this text?
    1. What does Jesus say about these texts? (i.e. John 12:39, John 12:41)
  4. How is Jesus described in this chapter? (by himself or by others)


What does it mean?

  1. Why did the people still not believe in Jesus, even after all of the signs and miracles he had done for them?
    1. What kind of belief is Jesus looking for? Is it enough for people to simply believe he can do miracles? Or to acknowledge that he has power?
  2. Read Isaiah 53:1-3.
    1. How was verse 1 fulfilled in John 12:37-38?
    2. How do you see the rest of these verses from Isaiah fulfilled in Jesus?
  3. How can we account for the peoples' inability to believe in Jesus?
    1. Read Isaiah 6:8-10. How does this verse help to explain the peoples' blindness? Why don't they believe?
    2. What makes people spiritually blind?
    3. What causes some to see?
    4. In verse 42, what keeps some of the people from following Jesus even though they believe?
  4. What promises does Jesus make in verses 44-50?
    1. What is the basis of Jesus' judgment?
    2. What do you think it means that Jesus doesn't speak of his "own authority..."? (verse. 49)


How should it change us?

  1. It may have been discouraging to realize that so many people were rejecting Jesus after all of his miracles. But how does this encourage us to keep on going in our evangelism, even after an apparent lack of success?
    1. How does God's sovereignty in evangelism keep us from becoming proud?
  2. In your own life, how do you see yourself seeking "glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God"?
    1. What are some ways your life might change if God's glory was the highest goal of your mind and your heart?
  3. Thinking back on theses first 12 chapters of John, how would you answer this questions:
    1. Who is Jesus?
    2. What is he like?
    3. What does he want from us?
  4. Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  5. Sing His Mercy is More to God and to one another.