John 13:1-17 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read John 13:1-17.
  2. Do you notice any repeated words or ideas? (even words/ideas that connect to previous sections of John)
  3. So far in John, Jesus' pattern has been to perform a miracle and then explain the purpose or the meaning of the miracle. Instead of a miracle, what does Jesus do for the disciples here?
    1. What does Jesus say is the reason that he did this? (John 13:13-14)
  4. How is Jesus described in this chapter? (by himself or by others)
    1. How do you see his "omniscience"? (Omniscience is a quality of God that means he is "all knowing")


What does it mean?

  1. What does it mean that "Jesus loved them til the end" in verse 1?
    1. What does Jesus' love until the end teach us about loving others?
  2. What does this passage teach us about how Jesus relates to his disciples?
    1. What other religious leader has ever done something like wash his disciples feet? (Mohammed? Buddha?)
    2. How does this act show Jesus' love?
  3. What do you think it looks like to "wash the disciples' feet" in the church today?
    1. Would it be a good thing to bring a bucket of water to your next Bible Study and wash other peoples' feet? Why or why not?
  4. How does John 13:8 point to the gospel? ("If I do not wash you, you have no share with me.")


How should it change us?

  1. How can you grow in humility and service in your own life?
    1. What are some things that hold you back from serving others sacrificially?
      1.  Ask God to grow your attitude of service.
    2. What is a specific way you can take a step in serving others this week? (perhaps behind the scenes where no one else notices)?
  2. Who is someone you know that you've seen sacrificially serving others?
    1. Why was their service sacrificial?
    2. Did this give them happiness (blessedness)?
    3. How can you encourage this person?
    4. How can you follow their example?
  3. Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  4. Sing His Mercy is More to God and to one another.

John 13:1-17 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read John 13:1-17.
  2. Do you notice any repeated words or ideas? (even words/ideas that connect to previous sections of John)
  3. So far in John, Jesus' pattern has been to perform a miracle and then explain the purpose or the meaning of the miracle. Instead of a miracle, what does Jesus do for the disciples here?
    1. What does Jesus say is the reason that he did this? (John 13:13-14)
  4. How is Jesus described in this chapter? (by himself or by others)
    1. How do you see his "omniscience"? (Omniscience is a quality of God that means he is "all knowing")


What does it mean?

  1. What does it mean that "Jesus loved them til the end" in verse 1?
    1. What does Jesus' love until the end teach us about loving others?
  2. What does this passage teach us about how Jesus relates to his disciples?
    1. What other religious leader has ever done something like wash his disciples feet? (Mohammed? Buddha?)
    2. How does this act show Jesus' love?
  3. What do you think it looks like to "wash the disciples' feet" in the church today?
    1. Would it be a good thing to bring a bucket of water to your next Bible Study and wash other peoples' feet? Why or why not?
  4. How does John 13:8 point to the gospel? ("If I do not wash you, you have no share with me.")


How should it change us?

  1. How can you grow in humility and service in your own life?
    1. What are some things that hold you back from serving others sacrificially?
      1.  Ask God to grow your attitude of service.
    2. What is a specific way you can take a step in serving others this week? (perhaps behind the scenes where no one else notices)?
  2. Who is someone you know that you've seen sacrificially serving others?
    1. Why was their service sacrificial?
    2. Did this give them happiness (blessedness)?
    3. How can you encourage this person?
    4. How can you follow their example?
  3. Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  4. Sing His Mercy is More to God and to one another.