John 16:16-24 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read John 16:16-24.
  2. What are some repeated words or ideas that you notice?
  3. What illustration(s) does Jesus use?
  4. What promises does Jesus make? (look for the word "will")
  5. Do you see any commands in this passage? What are they?
  6. Are there any words you need to define before moving to interpretation?


What does it mean?

  1. There is a lot of repetition in verses 16-19. What is it that the disciples are confused about? (John 16:18)
    1. Has Jesus talked about leaving for "a little while" before?  (Read John 13:33 and 14:13)
    2. Why do you think that the disciples do not know what he's talking about?
    3. What do you think Jesus is referring to?
  2. Jesus knows that they want to ask him about what he means by saying "a little while". How does Jesus answer the questions?
    1. Does Jesus say how long "a little while" is?
    2. Why do you think he answers this way?
  3. Jesus speaks about how in that day, no one will take the disciples' joy away.
    1. How do you see this in the disciples lives and attitudes in the book of Acts?
    2. Read 2 Corinthians 6:3-10. How do you see this joy in Paul's ministry?


How should it change us?

  1. The disciples didn't understand Jesus' words, and they were not ashamed to say "we don't understand" or to ask Jesus.
    1. What do you do when you don't understand something in God's word?
    2. We shouldn't be discouraged by what we do not understand. How does it comfort you that Jesus already knows our questions before we ask?
    3. Who (or where) can you go to find help and answers to your questions?
  2. How should future joy change the way that Christians live today?
    1. Are there any aspects of your life that you don't sense joy in God's work?
    2. How might it be that what makes you miserable today will increase your joy on a future day? How might God be using it?
  3. Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  4. Sing Amazing Grace to God and to one another.
Some questions were written with the help of "John 13-21 For You", by Josh Moody.

John 16:16-24 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read John 16:16-24.
  2. What are some repeated words or ideas that you notice?
  3. What illustration(s) does Jesus use?
  4. What promises does Jesus make? (look for the word "will")
  5. Do you see any commands in this passage? What are they?
  6. Are there any words you need to define before moving to interpretation?


What does it mean?

  1. There is a lot of repetition in verses 16-19. What is it that the disciples are confused about? (John 16:18)
    1. Has Jesus talked about leaving for "a little while" before?  (Read John 13:33 and 14:13)
    2. Why do you think that the disciples do not know what he's talking about?
    3. What do you think Jesus is referring to?
  2. Jesus knows that they want to ask him about what he means by saying "a little while". How does Jesus answer the questions?
    1. Does Jesus say how long "a little while" is?
    2. Why do you think he answers this way?
  3. Jesus speaks about how in that day, no one will take the disciples' joy away.
    1. How do you see this in the disciples lives and attitudes in the book of Acts?
    2. Read 2 Corinthians 6:3-10. How do you see this joy in Paul's ministry?


How should it change us?

  1. The disciples didn't understand Jesus' words, and they were not ashamed to say "we don't understand" or to ask Jesus.
    1. What do you do when you don't understand something in God's word?
    2. We shouldn't be discouraged by what we do not understand. How does it comfort you that Jesus already knows our questions before we ask?
    3. Who (or where) can you go to find help and answers to your questions?
  2. How should future joy change the way that Christians live today?
    1. Are there any aspects of your life that you don't sense joy in God's work?
    2. How might it be that what makes you miserable today will increase your joy on a future day? How might God be using it?
  3. Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  4. Sing Amazing Grace to God and to one another.
Some questions were written with the help of "John 13-21 For You", by Josh Moody.