John 7:32-52 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read John 7:32-52
  2. What characters are mentioned in our text and who are they?
  3. Do you notice any repeated words or ideas? (even from previous sections of John)
  4. What questions do people ask about Jesus in this text? (v. 35-36, 41-42, 45, 47-48)
  5. What questions do you have after reading this section?


What does it mean?

  1. What do you think Jesus meant by "a little longer" in verse 33?
    1. How does this connect to the "time" (John 7:7) or the "hour" (John 7:30) mentioned previously?
  2. Who is it that sent Jesus? (v. 33)
    1. Where is "him who sent" Jesus?
    2. Why do you think Jesus is going there?
    3. Why do you think he specifically says "you cannot find" him there?
  3. Where else in John do we see this idea of living water in verse 38?
    1. What is the living water?
    2. How does somebody get it?
    3. When do they get it?
    4. Read Acts 2:1-11. How does this help illuminate John 7:37-39?
  4. What ideas did people have about Jesus' identity?
    1. What did the Pharisees believe?
    2. What does their interaction with Nicodemus reveal about what they believe?
    3. How would you explain what the Pharisees think about the law (God's word)? How does this compare with what Nicodemus says about the law (v. 50-51)?


How should it change us?

  1. When you think about the Bible, do you tend to be more concerned with knowing it well or keeping it?
    1. What are the dangers of doing one without the other? (knowing vs. keeping)
    2. How can you grow this week in obeying God's word?
  2. What did you learn about Jesus from these verses?
  3. Where is Jesus now, and what is he doing?
    1. How does knowing that affect how we live today?
    2. How does the Spirit affect how Christians live today? (v.38)
  1. Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  2. Sing There is a Happy Land to God and to one another.

John 7:32-52 | Bible Study Questions


What does it say?

  1. Read John 7:32-52
  2. What characters are mentioned in our text and who are they?
  3. Do you notice any repeated words or ideas? (even from previous sections of John)
  4. What questions do people ask about Jesus in this text? (v. 35-36, 41-42, 45, 47-48)
  5. What questions do you have after reading this section?


What does it mean?

  1. What do you think Jesus meant by "a little longer" in verse 33?
    1. How does this connect to the "time" (John 7:7) or the "hour" (John 7:30) mentioned previously?
  2. Who is it that sent Jesus? (v. 33)
    1. Where is "him who sent" Jesus?
    2. Why do you think Jesus is going there?
    3. Why do you think he specifically says "you cannot find" him there?
  3. Where else in John do we see this idea of living water in verse 38?
    1. What is the living water?
    2. How does somebody get it?
    3. When do they get it?
    4. Read Acts 2:1-11. How does this help illuminate John 7:37-39?
  4. What ideas did people have about Jesus' identity?
    1. What did the Pharisees believe?
    2. What does their interaction with Nicodemus reveal about what they believe?
    3. How would you explain what the Pharisees think about the law (God's word)? How does this compare with what Nicodemus says about the law (v. 50-51)?


How should it change us?

  1. When you think about the Bible, do you tend to be more concerned with knowing it well or keeping it?
    1. What are the dangers of doing one without the other? (knowing vs. keeping)
    2. How can you grow this week in obeying God's word?
  2. What did you learn about Jesus from these verses?
  3. Where is Jesus now, and what is he doing?
    1. How does knowing that affect how we live today?
    2. How does the Spirit affect how Christians live today? (v.38)
  1. Pray in light of this passage and about any applications you have made
  2. Sing There is a Happy Land to God and to one another.