Mark Donald

John 9:13–34 – January 3rd, 2020


What does it say?

  1. Read John 9:1–12 and summarize what happened.
  2. Now read John 9:13–34
  3. Who do the Jewish people take the healed man to and why?
  4. What do some of the Pharisees conclude about Jesus and why?
  5. What do other Pharisees conclude and why?
  6. What do his parents say and why?
  7. What does the man who was healed conclude and why?


What does it mean?

  1. What do we learn about Jesus from this passage?
  2. Did Jesus disobey the Sabbath?
  3. What does the healed man conclude about Jesus? (v. 30–32)
  4. Consider and compare the differing responses to Jesus (Jews, Pharisees, Parents, Healed man).
    1. How and why do they respond the way they do?
  5. Read John 9:35–41
    1. How do these inform our understanding of the healing?
    2. What is the physical blindness and healing pointing to?


How should it change us?

  1. Do you struggle to believe the truth about Jesus?
    1. Are you tempted to explain away who he is and what he has done?
  2. Are you afraid to identify yourself with Jesus because of how people might respond? (e.g. with friends, colleagues, family members)
  3. Like the Pharisees, are you tempted to think you are better than others because you "follow the rules".
  4. Do you ask God to help you see and know Jesus more?
  5. Sing In Christ Alone to God and to one another.

John 9:13–34 – January 3rd, 2020


What does it say?

  1. Read John 9:1–12 and summarize what happened.
  2. Now read John 9:13–34
  3. Who do the Jewish people take the healed man to and why?
  4. What do some of the Pharisees conclude about Jesus and why?
  5. What do other Pharisees conclude and why?
  6. What do his parents say and why?
  7. What does the man who was healed conclude and why?


What does it mean?

  1. What do we learn about Jesus from this passage?
  2. Did Jesus disobey the Sabbath?
  3. What does the healed man conclude about Jesus? (v. 30–32)
  4. Consider and compare the differing responses to Jesus (Jews, Pharisees, Parents, Healed man).
    1. How and why do they respond the way they do?
  5. Read John 9:35–41
    1. How do these inform our understanding of the healing?
    2. What is the physical blindness and healing pointing to?


How should it change us?

  1. Do you struggle to believe the truth about Jesus?
    1. Are you tempted to explain away who he is and what he has done?
  2. Are you afraid to identify yourself with Jesus because of how people might respond? (e.g. with friends, colleagues, family members)
  3. Like the Pharisees, are you tempted to think you are better than others because you "follow the rules".
  4. Do you ask God to help you see and know Jesus more?
  5. Sing In Christ Alone to God and to one another.